Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A “Little” about Me

I am completely new to the blogging world and have starting “following” some amazing, fun, creative, crafty and inspirational blogs.  I’ve taken notice to layouts, templates and tabs and I’m still working on ‘perfecting’ mine.  Almost all have an about me section – so here is mine! 

Hi, My name is Tricia = I’m a Long Island girl, who moved to Boca after high school (why wait till retirement to move there!!).  I soaked up the beach life as much as I could and still do.  I have since moved with my family (husband and two kids) to the Metro Atlanta area.  I thought I lived south before but it seems I now live “In the South”.  I am trying to embrace all things Southern but still stick to my Northern roots and beach style life.

This is me:


It was my first profile picture on Facebook; according to my “look back” video it was 2008.

and this is where I love to be:


Hugs, Kisses & Love,



  1. As I was told when we moved here more than 26 years ago (apologies for my attempt at a phonetically spelled Southern drawl) "Way'llll huunney, way'lllllcum to thu Soouuth." I, too, believed that I had grown up in the south until we moved here.

  2. I moved here from Long Island when I was ten. 35, cough cough, years ago! Still miss it!

  3. Welcome to the blogging world :) Can't wait to "officially" follow you on bloglovin' once I can gain access of my account again lol ;)

    Jocelyn @PrettyLuckyMama
